Dispersions & Resins

Dispersions & Resins

How to "consusmart" with your ink systems

with BASF, ACTEGA, Quimovil and GSE Dispensing 

Optimizing printing processes is something everyone is continuously talking about. Making the process faster, cheaper, or even more sustainable are topics we discuss daily. Do you want to get to the heart of the matter and discover how you can sustainably work with water-based inks and hear from experts on how to make the changes work? 

Your Benefits

  • Insights on how your printing processes could contribute to lowering emissions
  • Sign up for our web seminar below to unlock these benefits – and kick-start a discussion with other industry leaders. 
  • Learn about ink trends to reduce the carbon footprint of your packaging Knowledge on lean and smart ink logistics

The web seminar was run by members of the PRETHINK INK network, who have experience in optimizing water-based ink technology and making it beneficial at every stage of the value chain. Sustainability is something everyone in the flexible packaging industry is talking about.

Do you want to get to the heart of the matter and discover actions that will really make a difference – and hear from experts on how to make the changes work? Have a look at the presentations below to see what we discussed in our webinar.

Speakers and downloads